In the News (19th June 2018)

A round-up from the news and across the web of the impact of data held in the UK Data Service collection…
– How good is it for you to get outside?
– Who benefits from free access to early years schemes?…

In the News (11th June 2018)

A round-up from the news and across the web of the impact of data held in the UK Data Service collection…
– Rail chaos
– Farming around the world
– Taking medicines abroad
– Grenfell inquiry
– Regional and national identity
– Love Island…

In the News – £10,000 for each millennial?

A report published this week by the Intergenerational Commission explores jobs and pay, housing, pensions and the role of the state in fairness across generations, using a wide range of data, much of which is available through the UK Data Service.…