In a first of its kind, Beth Armstrong introduces our latest Impact Case study which looks at the Food and You 2 dataset.…
In this post Christian Reynolds, Reader in Food Policy at the Centre for Food Policy, City University, London, introduces the upcoming H3 X Food & You 2: Data Hackathon and Visualization Event.…
We are delighted to introduce Michaela Pawley as one of our Data Impact Fellows. In this post Michaela shares a bit about her background, her current work and research and what she hopes to get out of the Fellows scheme.…
Vanessa Higgins shares about an exciting new project that seeks to develop computational skills in social science data services. She explains how the project will work and how it will benefit data service staff around the world.…
In the second part of this blog post, Dan Muir, Senior Economist at Youth Futures Foundation discusses what impact evaluation is and why it matters. …
In this two-part blog post, Dan Muir, Senior Economist at Youth Futures Foundation discusses what impact evaluation is and why it matters. …
James Scott and Beate Lichtwardt describe a bespoke Safe Researcher Training session, delivered at the request of the British Telecom.…
Our new Data Impact Fellows give a brief introduction to themselves and their research.…
Finn Dymond-Green, Director of Impact at the UK Data Service, celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Data Impact blog!…