Anne Alarilla is one of our #DataImpactFellows. We asked what impact means to her.…
Janet Bowstead, one of our #DataImpactFellows, shares her thoughts on how the often-made distinction between “the science” and “the politics” is not as simple as it might appear and how decisions of scale are relevant to both.…
With three months to submission find out why citing data in impact case studies is a great way to enhance their ‘FAIR-ness’ and support the persistence of their components, REF to REF as its digital footprint increases in scope.…
Patty Doran introduces a recent co-produced event which explored how different types of data can be used for good by the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector.…
Our #DataImpactFellows work in diverse areas, some of them combining more than one role. This gives them a great chance to explore the question “What does impact mean to me?” Here are David Kingman’s thoughts. …
We examine the need for persistent identifiers for digital content, as the UK Data service welcomes the UK Government’s consultation on using the DOI standard.…
Louise Corti shares the challenges and opportunities from this year’s successful virtual Big Data Summer School at the University of Essex.…
Richard Welpton explores what makes a good data steward and how his experience working at the UK Data Service prepared him to undertake this role successfully.…
Louise Corti explores the challenges of ensuring longitudinal survey data is classified appropriately for safe, non-disclosive access. …