The UK Data Service is pleased to announce that Finn Dymond-Green has been appointed as the new Service Director for Impact.…
Joseph Allen discusses how researchers can benefit from using Twitter data for research, and how to get started.…
As part of our continuing census series, James Reid introduces the opportunities, challenges and solutions when approaching different geographies in the UK censuses. …
Oliver Duke-Williams and Vassilis Routsis explore changes in the census and the importance of origin-destination or flow data.…
Jon Wroth-Smith, statistician at the Office for National Statistics, continues our ongoing census series by discussing how important the UK censuses are and outlines the journey beyond filling in your census form.…
David Martin talks about the importance of the census as a foundation for our population statistics and boundaries, highlighting their relevance to monitoring Covid-19.…
Rihab Dahab introduces us to census microdata, explores how it is useful to researchers and the expertise the UK Data Service has in this area.…
Wednesday 24th February 2021 saw a gathering of over three hundred people at the UK Data Service’s online event #DataImpact2021 – #IdentityInData: Who counts? Visibility, voice and culture in data collection and use. We plan that the event will just be the start of conversations about identity and representation in data.…
As part of our series of posts on the 2021/2022 UK censuses, we explore how the UK Data Service offers access to UK census data from 1971 to 2011, and how the 2021/2022 censuses have developed from earlier versions.…