A round-up of some recent appearances in the news and across the web of data held in the UK Data Service collection.…
A report published this week by the Intergenerational Commission explores jobs and pay, housing, pensions and the role of the state in fairness across generations, using a wide range of data, much of which is available through the UK Data Service.…
Our UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows are doing great work and being recognised for it. Find out about recent achievements by Aishah Selamat and Esmeralda Bon.…
Bram Vanhoutte, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow, explores the potentially negative side to the impact agenda.…
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) recently announced its shortlist for its Celebrating Impact Prize 2018. We’re delighted to see some of the researchers shortlisted have been working with data held by the UK Data Service and hope we’ve helped support their research and its impact.…
William Shankley, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow, recently completed his Sociology PhD at The University of Manchester. Across three blogs, he reviews how his PhD (which, in part, used 2011 Census data) went. In the third of three blog posts, he examines what the future of this area of research could be.…
Bram Vanhoutte, one of our Data Impact Impact Fellows, shares some recent publications.…
A round-up of some recent appearances in the news and across the web of data held in the UK Data Service collection.…
Rachel Oldroyd, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow, explores a very real question facing researchers. Just how do we know we’re making a real impact?…