Colin Argus recently demonstrated various visualisations that he had created for Covid-19 mortality on Twitter. Here he elaborates on his approach to this work.
Category: Impact and Innovation Lab
Neil Dymond-Green investigates the British Red Cross’ work on producing a Covid-19 Vulnerability Index and associated mapping.
The Washington Post has created data visualisations exploring transmission and recovery from covid-19 under different scenarios.
We’ve asked our #DataImpactFellows to share their ideas about ‘change’. David Kingman tells us about how his experiences of learning to programme in R have changed his research career.
Neil Dymond-Green investigates an approach to mapping city trees using Google Street View data.
Rachel Oldroyd and Luke Burns work step by step through the process of using ArcGIS Online to map census data.
Richard Harris discusses a different approach to measuring ethnic and socio-economic segregation and fitting a multilevel index of segregation to census data in R.
This summer, we were lucky enough to have Manchester students Rabia Butt and Klara Valentova joined us for a Q-step internship. Q-Step was developed as a strategic response to the shortage of quantitatively-skilled social science graduates. Manchester is one of 15 centres taking part in a £19.5 million programme designed to promote a step-change in quantitative social science training.
What happened at the GGDOT Hacknight in Manchester, when people explored the National Diet and Nutrition Survey and a dataset looking at greenhouse gas emissions associated with food?