Jay Dominy, Public Affairs Manager at CLOSER, introduces CLOSER’s policy hub, a tool to help researchers with engagement and policy impact.…
In this blog post we briefly recap our Poverty in Data Impact event and share links to the recordings of each of the sessions.…
We’re delighted to have a wide variety of fantastic contributors to our Poverty in Data event which takes place over three sessions next week, April 23-25! In this blog post we introduce our speakers for each of the sessions.…
As part of our Poverty in Data Impact event we’re welcoming back some of our previous Data Impact Fellows to take part in a panel about being an Early Careers Researcher at our ECR workshop on Tuesday 23 April in Manchester.…
Alessandro Di Nallo and Selin Köksal discuss their research looking at job loss during pregnancy and the risks of miscarriage and stillbirth. …
Gaston Yalonetzky, Associate Professor of Economics at the Leeds University Business School, discusses the vital role data plays when looking at the impact of covid-19 on mental health in the UK.…
Ricky Kanabar and Paul Gregg, from the University of Bath, present research on home ownership and wealth inequality in Great Britain.…
Josh Cottell and Elizabeth Simon present findings from a recent report looking into the what influences Londoner’s wellbeing, and what can help.…
Find out more about our Poverty in Data impact event!…