William Shankley, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Sociology PhD Student at The University of Manchester, shares his journey on navigating the 2011 census and finding the data gap for Polish post accession EU migrants.…
Jen Buckley, User Support and Training Officer at the UK Data Service, talks about the development of the new teaching ideas using data available from the UK Data Service.…
Maureen Haaker of the UK Data Service, and student at University of Essex, shares her experience on the May CLARIN workshop for transcription tools for turning recorded human speech into a textual representation that is as close as possible to what has been uttered.…
Will Shankley, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Sociology PhD Student at The University of Manchester, shares the outcomes of his project investigating the impact of Brexit on Polish migrants.…
Emily Thomas, Trainee Data Reviewer at the Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), outlines DANS’s development of a data assessment tool based on the FAIR principles.…
Claudia Zucca, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher working on the VOTEADVICE project, discusses the challenges of developing impact of her research on the influence of the internet on voting behaviour.…
The UK Data Service’s Victoria Moody and Rob Dymond-Green on freeing data from legacy data access platforms.…
Ralph Cochrane and the team at AppChallenge have been working with the UK Data Service to support new ways of engaging more people with data, mainly through mobile app development, hackathons and coding competitions. Ralph introduces the UK Data Service’s new quiz app.…
Marii Paskov, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Research Officer at the University of Oxford, shares the outcomes of her study on the role of social class and employment status for inequality in psychological well-being in the UK.…