The UK Data Service welcomes the UK Government’s National Data Strategy. We introduce some of the key points and encourage people to contribute to the consultation.…
James Cockett, one of our #DataImpactFellows, discusses research he undertook with colleagues at the Institute for Employment Studies to investigate the impact of the introduction of the National Living Wage and its later upratings on employment retention and hours worked.…
Stuart Mills concludes his series on data policy theory, exploring simulcara, doppelgangers and how much we really exist in a virtual world.…
The Social Metrics Commission has developed a new measure of poverty, which the UK Government has committed to build on to develop experimental statistics.…
Helen Norman shares her data and research journey in investigating the role of fathers in family work.…
Sam Milsom shares how Open Data Manchester has developed over ten years and during the lockdown, while Julia Kasmire from the UK Data Service shares the contribution the Service made to ODM’s Pick N Mix workshops.…
Andrew Jones uses data from Understanding Society to explore the health impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.…
Jen Buckley introduces the winners of the UK Data Service Dissertation Award, exploring the work the undergraduate researchers have undertaken and what they hope to do next. …
James Cockett, one of our #DataImpactFellows, asks “Is it time to create opportunity in every town and city and start turning the tide?”…