Dr Diego Arenas from DataKind UK shares his top tips for working with sensitive text data.…
The release of census 2021 data on migration and race provides evidence on how the population is changing. Nigel de Noronha seeks to provide advice on what data is available about race and migration from the 2021 census and encourage responsible use of it by highlighting appropriate ethical considerations.…
Over the last year the UKDS gas started a podcast called “The Experts’ Expert”. We’ve chosen a few of our favourite episodes, and you can listen to them on this page or find all the episodes on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.…
The past couple of weeks have seen some significant releases of Census 2021 data. We took a look at some Census “firsts” in these releases, including new statistics on marriage, civil partnerships and veterans as well as some new visualisation tools.…
We took a look at the REF 2021 Impact Case Studies and how the UK Data Service collection has been used in the research submitted.…
James Lockwood started in September as our new Research Impact and Engagement Manager based in Jisc. We asked him a few questions about himself and what he’s looking forward to about the role.…
Jen Buckley, a member of User Support and Training at the UK Data Service, discusses students using secondary data analysis in their dissertations and showcases some new tools the team have developed to help.…
Joshua Fullard discusses his research into consent when linking survey and administrative data. He shares about why data linkage can be beneficial and methods to increase respondents consent rates.…
Data Orchard has been researching organisational data maturity since 2015. Sian Basker talks about their recent State of the Sector report and how data maturity is all about the people.…