In this post Christian Reynolds, Reader in Food Policy at the Centre for Food Policy, City University, London, introduces the upcoming H3 X Food & You 2: Data Hackathon and Visualization Event.…
Tag: Christian Reynolds
Christian Reynolds (one of our #DataImpactFellows) reflects on new data available in his research areas of food sustainability and waste, and how the Covid-19 crisis is changing how he will work going forward.…
Several of our #DataImpactFellows are taking on new roles and joining different projects. Here’s an update on some of their movements.…
Christian Reynolds, one of our #DataImpactFellows, tells us about a day in his life as a Technical Specialist at WRAP and seeing data impact in action.…
A few months ago, we had the great pleasure of spending a day with our new #DataImpactFellows at Chetham’s Library in Manchester – one of the oldest public libraries in the world. During the day we asked some of them how and why they use data from the UK Data Service and why the Service is so important to their research.…
We are delighted that Christian Reynolds is one of our #DataImpactFellows for 2019.…
On Wednesday 22nd May, it was our great pleasure to host an event for our new Data Impact Fellows at Chetham’s Library, Manchester. …
Applications for the 2019 UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows programme were of extremely high quality, making the judges’ job extremely difficult. We are delighted to make six full Fellowship awards and also two highly commended awards. …
What happened at the GGDOT Hacknight in Manchester, when people explored the National Diet and Nutrition Survey and a dataset looking at greenhouse gas emissions associated with food?…