The Northern Powerhouse in the world: UK Data Service open data dive

Richard Wiseman Socio-economic Data Services: Specialist Support Officer and Celia Russell, International Data Specialist at the UK Data Service, present a series of data in the UK Data Service collection relevant to analyses of the North West and Greater Manchester regions and possible comparators, nationally and internationally, ahead of the ‘Northern Powerhouse in the world open data dive’.…

The industrial revolution of open data

Founder of Swirrl, linked open data enthusiast, working on PublishMyData, Bill Roberts reprises his presentation at #DataImpact2016, focusing on how what we need in the data economy now is our own industrial revolution.…

Stoptober, smoking and health related-research

Dr Deborah Wiltshire, Senior Access and Support Officer at the UK Data Service, discusses the effect of health policy on the nation’s health. Deborah works with data, used by researchers to inform policy, providing advice on dataset content and analysis, and gives face-to-face and online introductory training to students, academics and other researchers.…

Looking forward to #DataImpact2016 in Glasgow

The UK Data Service is delighted that this year’s #DataImpact2016 will be held on the evening of 13 October at the Lighthouse Glasgow. A panel of leading data innovators explore data re-use in policy and research, sharing their experiences of demonstrating data enhanced impact.…

#7favDatasets at the UK Data Service and beyond

Laurence Horton is Data Librarian at the London School of Economics and Political Science and is responsible for Research Data Management support in the School. A recent Twitter trend is to list #7fav things, like films or music. “Rather than share my impeccable cultural taste, here’s a list – in no order of preference – of my seven favourite UK Data Service datasets.”…