UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows: Dharmi Kapadia

Dharmi Kapadia, Research Associate at the ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity at The University of Manchester, talks about how she plans for her research findings to be heard and have impact outside of academia.…

UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows: Rachel Oldroyd

Rachel Oldroyd is a quantitative human geographer based at the Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) at the University of Leeds, and here discusses how novel types of data are used to detect illness caused by contaminated food or drink.…

UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows: William Shankley

William Shankley, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Sociology PhD student at the Cathie Marsh Institute of Social Research at The University of Manchester, explains why he chose to research migration patterns of Polish people in England and Wales and the factors that shape migration decision-making.…

UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows: Bram Vanhoutte

Bram Vanhoutte, Research Fellow in Sociology at the Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research (CMIST) at The University of Manchester, discusses his plans to raise the impact of his research on wellbeing in later life.…

UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows: Claudia Zucca

Claudia Zucca, Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher working on the VOTEADVICE project, in collaboration with the University of Exeter, Kieskompas Amsterdam and Koç University Istanbul, discusses how online political information processing can affect political behaviour.…

Making the Human Rights Atlas data more accessible

Susan Noble from the UK Data Service international data team discusses how we’ve made the Human Rights Atlas data we host even more accessible, by making it available for analysis in UKDS.Stat, the data dissemination platform for international data at the UK Data Service.…