In the News (19th June 2018)

A round-up from the news and across the web of the impact of data held in the UK Data Service collection…
– How good is it for you to get outside?
– Who benefits from free access to early years schemes?…

How GIS Can Benefit Research Projects

Anthonia Ijeoma Onyeahialam, one of our Data Impact Fellows, introduces this beautiful and informative site where she shares some tips on how GIS can benefit your research, from data collection, management, analysis, to communicating findings to the public.…

The UK Data Service #DataImpactFellows 2017-2019

The UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows 2017-2019 talk about their research and developing impact. The Data Impact Fellows programme is designed to support the use of UK Data Service data and resources by new generations of scholars through the research partnerships they develop and the students they teach through out their careers.…

In the News (11th June 2018)

A round-up from the news and across the web of the impact of data held in the UK Data Service collection…
– Rail chaos
– Farming around the world
– Taking medicines abroad
– Grenfell inquiry
– Regional and national identity
– Love Island…