The Lancet Countdown is a unique research collaboration between 24 international academic institutions and inter-governmental organisations. The Lancet Countdown monitors progress on the relationships between health and climate change, and their implications for national governments, reporting annually and making recommendations for activity to mitigate climate change.…
Are you an early career researcher or analyst in a UK university or UK registered Charity? Are you using UK Data Service data in your impactful research and analysis? Apply to be one of our 2019 Data Impact Fellows.…
Alasdair Rae uses quantative and qualitative data, including the stories of the people affected, to explore the reality of using public transport to access work from poorer areas of the country.…
Esmeralda Bon, one of our #DataImpactFellows, explores collaborating with others to submit evidence to the All-Parliamentary Group on Literacy and meeting with stakeholders at Facebook HQ.…
Aishah Selamat, one of our Data Impact Fellows, took part in a data science boot camp earlier this year. Here we ask her to look back on it and tell us how it has benefited her and impacted her research.…
Dharmi Kapadia, one of our Data Impact Fellows, shares how she engaged with younger potential researchers.…
Louise Corti reports on her recent time spent at Fudan University, Shanghai as part of their centennial celebrations, which also looked forward tot he future of the research library and research data management.…
The UK Data Service was involved in the organisation of three different events for the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2018: a data-based quiz for secondary school-age students; an event about the value of engaging with surveys and how they can make a difference; and a ‘Living Library’.…
The UK Data Service spotlights its #CiteTheData campaign focused on how data citation is central not only to understanding the use of data in the collection, but helps researchers promote their research and contributes to international initiatives on impact – so please #CiteTheData.…