Louise Corti shares the challenges and opportunities from this year’s successful virtual Big Data Summer School at the University of Essex.
Category: Data Science
Sam Milsom shares how Open Data Manchester has developed over ten years and during the lockdown, while Julia Kasmire from the UK Data Service shares the contribution the Service made to ODM’s Pick N Mix workshops.
Jen Buckley introduces the winners of the UK Data Service Dissertation Award, exploring the work the undergraduate researchers have undertaken and what they hope to do next.
Diarmuid McDonnell discusses how social scientists can access real-time datasets on the Covid-19 outbreak, and how this data might be used to inform policy relating to the crisis.
Julia Kasmire has recently joined the UK Data Service to develop a training programme on New Forms of Data. But what exactly does that entail?
Anca Vlad of the UK Data Service investigates the range of data in the UK Data Service collection related to Brexit.
Aishah Selamat, one of our Data Impact Fellows, took part in a data science boot camp earlier this year. Here we ask her to look back on it and tell us how it has benefited her and impacted her research.
Richard Harris discusses a different approach to measuring ethnic and socio-economic segregation and fitting a multilevel index of segregation to census data in R.
What happened at the GGDOT Hacknight in Manchester, when people explored the National Diet and Nutrition Survey and a dataset looking at greenhouse gas emissions associated with food?