Professor David Martin has led the way in modelling populations in geographical information systems. In the second part of our interview with him we talk with him about his key achievements and contributions to the field.…
Category: Data Innovation
Professor David Martin has led the way in modelling populations in geographical information systems. As he steps down from the UK Data Service, we catch up with him to talk about his key achievements and contributions to the field.…
We introduce the ideas behind digital twins, share some examples and explore some of the data implications.…
Eric Anvar, Head of Smart Data at OECD, explains how the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) standard has improved the new .Stat Suite platform for data producers and users, and considers the potential value of augmenting SDMX usage with Artificial Intelligence (AI).…
We were pleased to run a Data Dive on 6th July, together with Methods at Manchester. The challenge was: Local to global: The data in plastic, from single use carrier bags to international emissions from plastic manufacture – data strategies for plastic usage reduction.…
Oliver Duke-Williams, Senior Lecturer in Digital Information Studies in the Department of Information Studies at UCL and Co-Investigator at the UK Daya Service updates us on proposed new uses for administrative data in place of censuses in the area of estomates of journeys to work.…
Rob Dymond-Green describes the creation of the 2011 UK Census dataset available through InFuse.…
We are delighted to report our progress on our pioneering ‘statistical archaeology’ project to retrieve ‘lost’ information from the 1961 Census Small Area Statistics (SAS) from a large set of digital images, and make it available for digital analysis, using current software tools, for the first time.…
Anne Solon, data manager for Young Lives, discusses computer-assisted personal interviewing for data collection.…