Introducing the UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows 2016-2018

In September 2016 the UK Data Service announced the appointment of our first Data Impact Fellows for 2016-2018.

The UK Data Service’s Data Impact Fellows programme is designed to support the use of UK Data Service data and resources by new generations of scholars through the research partnerships they develop and the students they teach through out their careers, whether they remain in academia or branch out into the wider public or commercial sector. The quality of applications was high, and it was a difficult choice for the judges who awarded five fellowships and two additional runners-up prizes.

Meet the UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows 2016-2018:

Dharmi Kapadia

Research Associate at the ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity, The University of Manchester.

Dharmi has a PhD in Social Statistics and 10 years’ experience of research that has produced knowledge to improve the lives of people suffering from racist discrimination and mental and physical illnesses. Dharmi is currently working on a project to look at how racism influences mental illness in ethnic minority people using data from Understanding Society. Dharmi discusses her approach to impact in her first blog post as a Data Impact Fellow.

Read Dharmi’s first blog post

Sarah Knight

ESRC-funded PhD student in the Environment Department of the University of York.

Sarah has an interest in human well-being, nature connectedness, environmental quality and ecosystem services. Sarah is researching the impact of the natural environment on subjective well-being. As part of her PhD Sarah is using Understanding Society and the British Household Panel Survey to explore the determinants of self-reported well-being on adults in the UK. Sarah focuses on how her research has impact in her first blog post as a Data Impact Fellow.

Read Sarah’s first blog post

Rachel Oldroyd

Quantitative human geographer based at the Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) within the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA) at the University of Leeds.

Rachel started a part-time ESRC White Rose Studentship in October 2015 and her PhD is centred on spatial data analytics for food safety, with particular focus on foodborne illness. Her research investigates the incidence of foodborne illness in the UK through innovatively combining data sources such as the UK census, online restaurant reviews, socio-economic data and food establishment hygiene scores to identify populations at risk; construct spatial-temporal models of food safety at varying geographies; and explore the utility of these models as a means to target scarce resources. Rachel presents her approach to impact in her first blog post as a Data Impact Fellow.

Read Rachel’s first blog post

Marii Paskov

Sociologist and Research Officer at the Institute of New Economic Thinking at the University of Oxford.

Marii is engaged in the Employment, Equity and Growth Programme focusing on inequality and living standards and working in the Oxford Martin Programme on Inequality and Prosperity. Using the European Social Survey, the Wealth and Assets Survey, and the British Household Panel Survey Marii’s research focuses on intergenerational social mobility. Marii is also affiliated to the Department of Social Policy and Intervention and Nuffield College at the University of Oxford. Marii talks about the impact of her research in her first blog post as a Data Impact Fellow.

Read Marii’s first blog post

William Shankley  

Sociology PhD student at the Cathie Marsh Institute of Social Research, The University of Manchester.

William uses census microdata and census flow data and focuses on internal migration patterns of Polish people in England and Wales and the factors that shape their migration decision-making. William’s research combines 2011 UK Census data for England and Wales with interview data collected from forty Polish people living across Greater Manchester. William presents his approach to developing impact form his research in his first blog post as a Data Impact Fellow.

Read William’s first blog post

Bram Vanhoutte

Research Fellow in Sociology at the Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research (CMIST), The University of Manchester.

Bram’s research uses the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing as well as the US Health and Retirement Study and the Australian Life Histories and Health Study, and focuses on wellbeing in later life as a marker for successful ageing in the research project ‘frailty and inequality in later life’ within the Manchester Institute for collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA). He has an interest in ageing from an interdisciplinary perspective by bridging psychological, sociological and medical perspectives. Bram discusses his approach to impact in his first blog post as a Data Impact Fellow.

Read Bram’s first blog post

Claudia Zucca

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher working on the VOTEADVICE project, in collaboration with the University of Exeter, Kieskompas Amsterdam and Koç University Istanbul.

Claudia analyses data from the British Social Attitudes Survey, the European Social Survey, the British Election Study and the European Values Study, and focuses on the impact of new technologies on political behaviour using advanced quantitative methods. Her research concerns the use of quantitative methodologies to explore electoral behaviour and the use of technologies for generating information about electoral decision making and the process of political learning. Claudia focuses on how her research has impact in her first blog post as a Data Impact Fellow.

Read Claudia’s first blog post

The Fellows will write blog posts throughout their fellowship and will develop case studies as they go to share the outcomes of their role as UK Data Service Data Impact Fellows. We plan to hold Twitter chats about developing impact as an early career researcher and chart the Fellows’  journey as the plot their impact paths. Follow the Fellows on #DataImpactFellows and watch this space!