Figure 1: Changes in the proportion of people providing unpaid care during the pandemic


Nov 2020 / Jan 2021
2018/19 Not providing care Providing <20 hours of care per week Providing 20+ hours of care per week
Not providing care 6827 1917 445
Providing <20 hours of care 626 543 266
Providing 20+ hours of care 131 77 287

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Figure 2: Gender and childcare responsibility by caring status during the second wave of the pandemic

Not providing care Providing <20 hours of care per week Providing 20+ hours of care per week
Male Female Male Female Male Female
No child under 15 responsible for 47.5% 40.3% 44.1% 44.5% 31.7% 51.0%
1+ child under 15 responsible for 0.4% 11.7% 0.3% 11.2% 0.0% 17.2%

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Figure 3: Caring status by ethnicity during the second wave of the pandemic

Not providing care Providing <20 hours of care per week Providing 20+ hours of care per week
White 67.4% 23.6% 9.0%
Irish 79.4% 13.3% 7.3%
Indian 74.3% 15.0% 10.7%
Pakistani 70.4% 19.2% 10.3%
Bangladeshi 75.1% 13.0% 10.3%
Chinese 81.2% 12.0% 6.8%
Caribbean 73.0% 14.8% 12.2%
African 53.1% 39.0% 7.2%

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Figure 4: Health conditions and health care access by caring status during the second wave of the pandemic

Not providing care Providing <20 hours of care per week Providing 20+ hours of care per week
Depressive symptoms Nov 2020 / Jan 2021 18% 20% 24%
Since 1st Jan 2020, been waiting for NHS treatment 15% 18% 20%
Two or more long term health conditions Nov 2020 / Jan 2021 56% 60% 63%

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