Table: Prevalence of Anxiety Across Ethnic Groups

Ethnic Group Anxiety Prevalence %
White British 24.75
Asian: Bangladeshi 31.74
Asian: Chinese 21.87
Asian: Indian 25.98
Asian: Pakistani 28.14
Asian: Any other Asian background 18.2
Black: African 24.87
Black: Caribbean 27.69
Black: Any other Black background 41.7
Mixed: White and Asian 25.06
Mixed: White and Black African 25.07
Mixed: White and Black Caribbean 33.76
Mixed: Any other background 33.86
White: Gypsy/Traveller/Roma 23.37
White: Any other White background 24.44
Arab 45.13
Jewish 21.63
Any other ethnicity 28.9

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Table: Prevalence of Depression Across Ethnic Groups

Ethnic Group Anxiety Prevalence %
White British 44.51
Asian: Bangladeshi 41.63
Asian: Chinese 33.67
Asian: Indian 41.5
Asian: Pakistani 45
Asian: Any other Asian background 30.24
Black: African 30.82
Black: Caribbean 46.02
Black: Any other Black background 47.25
Mixed: White and Asian 36.27
Mixed: White and Black African 29.26
Mixed: White and Black Caribbean 49.68
Mixed: Any other background 47.43
White: Gypsy/Traveller/Roma 31.78
White: Any other White background 39.22
Arab 52.25
Jewish 37.98
Any other ethnicity 48.48

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