The UK Data Service appoints a new Service Director for Impact

The UK Data Service is pleased to announce that Finn Dymond-Green has been appointed as the new Service Director for Impact. 

Finn joined the impact team in 2018 as impact manager. They bring a great deal of experience from the museum and archive, charitable and education sectors which will contribute to building on the impact work already established.

Reflecting on their appointment, Finn says,
Finn Dymond-Green

“It’s a privilege to be able to build on the UK Data Service’s existing impact work reflecting the benefits that come from both the UK Data Service as infrastructure and research which uses data in the collection. As the impact agenda continues to grow in importance, it’s vital that we continue to work with and support researchers in evidencing and promoting their impactful use of data.”

Before joining the UK Data Service, Finn worked in primary education for twelve years before moving into the heritage sector to work in developing education and engagement. They have devised new programmes and resources for cultural venues, as well as offering consultancy and evaluation services to a number of projects and organisations across the UK. While there are many pieces of work they are proud of, they have fond memories of working with the Capability Brown 300 Festival to create resources to support sites in setting up education and family activities from scratch and supporting Stretford Children’s Theatre with both the promenade performance and evaluation parts of the Ahead of His Time: John Rylands project.

Dr Victoria Moody, who previously held the post of Director of Impact, continues as Co-Investigator and Deputy Director of the UK Data Service. She has also recently taken on the role of Director of research and innovation sector strategy at Jisc, the UK higher, further education and skills sectors’ not-for-profit organisation for digital services and solutions.

Victoria says,

“I’m delighted that we have appointed Finn as Service Director for Impact at the UK Data Service. Finn brings a fresh approach and significant experience of developing innovative impact programmes and evaluating their contribution. They have coordinated our Data Impact Fellows programme and #DataImpact2021 event, extending the reach and significance of the UK Data Service’s contribution to the growing impact agenda in research, teaching and policymaking.”