Finn Dymond-Green discusses how our impact team is developing understanding of what data impact looks like, and introduces our newest impact theme.…
Category: Data Innovation
Matthew Jay, Research Fellow and Data Scientist at the UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, introduces the ECHILD project that links data on children in state schools with data from NHS-funded hospital. …
UK Longitudinal Linkage Collaboration (UK LLC) Director, outlines what UK LLC delivers as part of the UK’s research infrastructure and the impact this will have on the longitudinal research community.…
Tej Nathwani introduces a new area-based measure of deprivation created by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).…
In this post, Beate Lichtwardt from the UK Data Service and Deborah Wiltshire from the GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences discuss an exciting new initiative to enable secure data to be shared internationally.…
In this post, Dr Lewis Smith discusses data classification and the gendering of consumerism through the lens of market research conducted by rail companies in the 1970s.…
Joshua Fullard discusses his research into consent when linking survey and administrative data. He shares about why data linkage can be beneficial and methods to increase respondents consent rates.…
Data Orchard has been researching organisational data maturity since 2015. Sian Basker talks about their recent State of the Sector report and how data maturity is all about the people.…
Professor David Martin has led the way in modelling populations in geographical information systems. In the second part of our interview with him we talk with him about his key achievements and contributions to the field.…