Want to improve your ability to find data and use data in your research? Then share with us your opinions so we can improve our data access platform. …
Rachel Oldroyd, @r_oldroyd, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Quantitative Human Geographer at the University of Leeds, shares her journey into the world of geographical data and developing a career in understanding foodborne illness with spatial data.…
Marii Paskov, @MariiPaskov UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Research Officer at the University of Oxford, shares her journey about how, when it comes to social mobility research we need to be inventive in using both survey and administrative data.…
Sarah Knight, @sarah_gis, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and PhD student in the Environment Department of the University of York, shares her journey through data science to impact and on to the Understanding Society Young Researcher prize this year.…
Bram Vanhoutte @bvhoutte, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Research Fellow in Sociology at The University of Manchester, shares his journey about how data can be a powerful tool in illustrating and addressing social inequalities.…
The UK Data Service aims to establish additional ways to support the long-range use of its data and resources by new generations of scholars, extending this usage through the research partnerships they develop and by the students they teach – from the earliest stages of, and throughout their career by establishing a prestigious Impact Fellows programme.…
Claudia Zucca, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and and Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher working on the VOTEADVICE project, shares her journey about how, with data, it is possible to measure in an efficient and precise way the impact of a policy.…
William Shankley, UK Data Service Data Impact Fellow and Sociology PhD Student at The University of Manchester, shares his journey on navigating the 2011 census and finding the data gap for Polish post accession EU migrants.…
Jen Buckley, User Support and Training Officer at the UK Data Service, talks about the development of the new teaching ideas using data available from the UK Data Service.…