Eric Jensen and Mark Reed, in the second of two blog posts, explore who benefited from data-intensive research in the UK and Australia.…
Georgia Andrews and Louise Arsenault share an update on the Catalogue of Mental Health Measures: who uses it, what’s new and what planned next steps are. …
Congratulations to Lily from the Tiffin Girls’ School who has won the Changing Perceptions Challenge. Here is her winning entry. …
We’re pleased to announce the winner of our Changing Perceptions Challenge!…
Claudia Zucca, Plato Leung and Werner Liebregts introduce a dynamic approach to teaching data-driven entrepreneurship in the Netherlands.…
Eric Jensen and Mark Reed introduce their analysis of how data-enhanced research led to impact in the UK and Australia.…
Karen Mansfield explores the opportunties and challenges of data governance. …
How is research by the Living Wage Foundation (LFW) supporting their ‘Living Hours’ scheme and helping tackle work insecurity in the UK?…
To mark International Women’s Day 2022, Alice Sullivan and Alex Bryson introduce their research into the effects of menopause on women’s careers.…