2023 Data Impact Fellows

Daniel Muir

Daniel is a Research Economist (Fellow) at the Institute for Employment Studies (IES). His main research interests include unemployment and welfare, low pay, and skill demand and utilisation. Since joining IES in September 2021, he has worked across a wide range of public policy and consultancy projects. He regularly works with and analyses labour market data, including the Labour Force Survey and online vacancy data. Projects he has worked on include the impact and economic evaluations of a government-funded trial of employment support aimed at individuals with disabilities and long-term health conditions, and analysis of the potential of quality part-time employment to lift certain groups out of poverty.

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Naomi Miall

Naomi Miall is an affiliate researcher at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at the University of Glasgow. Naomi’s research at the University of Glasgow explores inequalities in child and maternal health. This research has utilised several datasets in the UK data service archives, including Understanding Society and the birth cohorts. Naomi now works at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, on a program to improve global access to HPV vaccination for adolescent girls.

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Natasha Chilman

At the start of the scheme, Natasha was in the final year of her PhD at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London. For her PhD, Natasha used multiple methods to examine inequalities in mental health and multimorbidity for people who have experienced homelessness. Natasha is a now working as Research Associate at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at Kings College London, where she is using large-scale linked health record data to investigate inequalities in mortality for people with severe mental illnesses.

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Niels Blom

Niels is a Research Fellow at the Violence and Society Centre at City, University of London. Niels investigates violence and abuse and its relationship with labour market transitions, health, and wellbeing and works on a programme of work harmonizing and integrating data from various surveys and administrative records. In much of his previous work, Niels analysed how economic inequalities within and between couples are related to relationship outcomes, such as partner relationship quality, marriage, separation, and childbearing. Prior to joining City, Niels completed his PhD in Sociology at Radboud University in the Netherlands and worked as a researcher at the University of Southampton and University of Bath.

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Niloofar Shoari

Niloofar is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Child Health, University College London (UCL), where she works on the Kids’ Environment and Health Cohort. Her research focuses on understanding the impact of the built environment on the mental health of children and young people. Previously, she was an MRC Early Career Research Fellow at the Centre for Environment and Health, Imperial College London. There, she employed advanced quantitative techniques to explore how neighbourhoods influence the physical and mental health of children and young people, with a particular emphasis on the effects of deprivation.

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Rhiannon Williams

Rhiannon is a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield, working in CaCHE and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Her PhD was on housing insecurity at the University of Sheffield as part of the Data Analytics and Society CDT. Her research explores housing insecurity in the UK in relation to changes in welfare policy, with a particular focus on the association between Universal Credit and housing. She uses quantitative data analysis methods, including logistic regression and multilevel modelling.

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Tasos Papastylianou

Tasos is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Health and Wellbeing, at the University of Essex. He has a background as a medical doctor, biomedical engineer and computer scientist, with expertise in biosignal and health-related data analysis. His research is in the area of Health Informatics, i.e. the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods to problems in clinical medicine and public health. His particular interests include data analysis from biological signals and digitised health data in clinical settings; explainability and appropriate validation in medical image analysis; AI or tech-oriented public health interventions; and the use and benefits of free and open-source software in medicine.

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