We want your views on our next generation data search facility – the first 100 respondents get a £20 Amazon voucher!

Katherine McNeil, Director of Access at the UK Data Service introduces our survey to get your views on improving your experience of accessing data to use in your research.

Want to improve your experience of accessing data to use in your research? Then share with us your opinions so we can improve our data access platform. We invite you to participate in our review of the UK Data Service Discover interface and the design of our next-generation data repository by responding to our short survey. Please complete our online survey so we an get your views on our current search system and the design of our next-generation data repository, so we can improve your experience of finding, linking, accessing, and analysing datasets down to the variable level.

We’ve been developing a special focus on the user experience and are running this survey and user interviews so we can improve our understanding of your current and future data needs and design our system to meet your needs.

Your opinions are a critical part of our planning process. The survey should take no longer than five to ten minutes to complete. Please give us your views and help us improve our  data access so you can find and use data in ways you need.

In recognition of your generously giving us five to ten minutes of your time to respond to our questions we are offering the first 100 respondents a £20 Amazon voucher as a thank you from us.*

*Terms and conditions apply